Do you even know the origin of liberal fascism?

How even the author got it wrong.

The term "liberal fascism" is often used in political discourse, sometimes controversially, to describe a perceived convergence of liberal and authoritarian values. The phrase gained prominence with the publication of "Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change" by Jonah Goldberg, which argues that fascist movements were and are left-wing, contrary to the mainstream view among historians and political scientists that fascism is a far-right ideology.

Goldberg's book sparked significant debate and criticism, with some scholars denouncing it as poor scholarship and propaganda, while others have defended its arguments to varying degrees. The discussion around "liberal fascism" touches on broader themes in political science and history, including the definitions of liberalism and fascism, the historical actions of political figures, and the ideological underpinnings of various movements.

It's important to approach such liberal fascism with critical thinking and an understanding of the complexities involved, not with religious, political fervor. Political labels can be used as tools for rhetoric and may not always reflect the nuanced realities of political ideologies and histories. Engaging with a wide range of sources and perspectives is crucial for forming a well-rounded view of any political concept or debate.

Since the publication of “Liberal Fascism”, Goldberb stated in the article, “What I got Wrong About Fascism” in The Dispatch,

I argued that, contrary to generations of left-wing fearmongering and slander about the right’s fascist tendencies, the modern American right was simply immune to the fascist temptation chiefly because it was too dogmatically committed to the Founders, to constitutionalism, and to classical liberalism generally.
Almost 13 years to the day after publication, Donald Trump proved me wrong.

For those interested in exploring this topic further, it might be beneficial to read Goldberg's book and the critiques of it to understand the different viewpoints and the evidence presented rather than just taking the word of Trump or his sycophants who adopted the accusation of “liberal fascist for the purpose of accomplishing their fascist agenda.”

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